Studies have shown that the fear of public speaking is more prevalent in most people's minds than the fear of spiders, heights... even death???
So.....the good news....
It's perfectly normal to be fact its a completely normal part of the speaking process.
Not helping???......Well....these tips might:
1. Practice your speech out loud.
To yourself, to a friend to the dog, to the cat.
Practice, practice, practice!!
(P.S. you might want to time yourself)
2. Save the Champers for later.
It might seem a good idea at the time to help you relax, or to gain an extra ounce of courage, but it might come back and bite you. Slurring, mumbling, going off on a tangent.....not the 'look' you are going for.
3. Remember to breathe??!!
Seems obvious...but with the heart racing and adrenaline rising there is a tendency to speak faster. Best not to babble 100 miles per hour with the audience 10 paces behind.
Take a deep breath between sentences.
Slow your delivery.
See....aren't you are feeling calmer already!!!
4. Eye Contact.
Try to look up from the safety of that piece of paper/IPad or other device you are holding.
Move your eyes from person to person. Pretend you are just having a chat with them.
5. Smile, be confident.
Still shaking in yours boots????......Fake it!!! Smile. It's infectious!!!
If you include a funny anecdote, don't be afraid to laugh too (not for too long, of course).
The audience is on your side.....they will follow your lead.....and remember they are the ones who have already had a few drinks.
6. Have fun!
You will be great!!
Words to inspire you.....poetry, quote, speech samples.....coming up!!! Stay posted!!!!
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